
A slowly developing catch all of ideas, observations, rants, breakdowns, and the such.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Since August? No Way! 

I want to get back into writing on a regular basis. I lie awake at night and think and think about it (well sometimes I do) and then work gets in the way. So, my guess is that I'm the only one who ever reads this so there! That being said, I'm tired. I picked up smoking and quit smoking again since August, I've worked too hard, I've learned to fire people, and I've sold my soul. I think my new philosophy that I'm going to strive for will be: Don't change, just lie. I stole it from the new Ryan Adams CD, but who cares? That's the way I think I need to approach things. To be honest I'm sick of changing for the sake of other people. Why should I buy into things when all I really need to do is perform a task suited for a chimp?

I'm curious about Lauren though. I haven't heard hide nor hair of her in some time and I wonder if she is ok. The last time she contacted me, it sounded like she was in a bad spot. So Lauren, my dear, if you're reading this please give me a ring soon. I'm concerned about you! (Plus I miss talking to you).

That's it for now, I will add more news as more time goes on and try to do better. Honestly.

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