
A slowly developing catch all of ideas, observations, rants, breakdowns, and the such.

Friday, April 30, 2004

Jobs, music, and feelings (in no particular order) 

This blog is depressing people. That's the news I got from a friend of mine who said I need to stop listening to depressing music and get off my ass to improve my mood. Well last night I bought a new album, its by a group called Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Its GREAT. I'm not sure how I'd describe it, it rocks and its loud, and it puts me in a much better mood. Plus I was listening to Lorreta Lynn's new album (produced by Jack White my new Rock and Roll hero) and its great too. So there!

Oh, I had to note that my favorite line from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs new album is "I got a man who makes the devil pale." Or something like that.

So there, my feelings are improving. I think S is going to buy a new iMac so we'll have a nice computer at home. WOO HOO!

Also, some jobs I saw today that were interesting in strange ways:

Hooters Restuarant Manager
Restaurant Manager - Pets Galore
Oracle - 11 positions (I know its IT but the play on words struck me)
Department Manager - Ladies
And finally the Navy is looking for the following:
Food, Retaurant and Lodging

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

All over the place and down 

My brain is racing around like a rat in a cage. Its got all this energy but no place to go and then it collapses for a while and just pants in the corner. This job searching thing sucks in a way I totally forgot about. There you are one day, cruising along in a job you like (and you're good at) and then these insane people turn you out like a hobo who hasn't paid up at a cheap motel. Its strange. It probably doesn't help that I'm listening to music that is, well depressing. Today I've got this Wilco CD I just bought (Being There). Its really good but it sets this mood like, why have long term goals or care or do anything but sit around in your underwear drinking beer? Not that I'm participating in that activity, just that's the way the music makes you feel.

Every so often I find myself staring at the wall and swaying to the music. Its putting me in a strange trance.

Alright I have to close this because I'm drifting into paint, into the carpet fibers. Its like all the molecules in me have decided to stop holding hands and are all letting go. Drifting out and about into the room, directed by the current coming from the air conditioner vent.

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