
A slowly developing catch all of ideas, observations, rants, breakdowns, and the such.

Wednesday, December 10, 2003


So today I've gone from needing to be obsessed to depressed. Basically six months ago, they added a second job to my job. It's too much to handle, it's a pain in the ass, it's harder than hell and I hate it. Well tomorrow they're bringing in someone new to take over the stuff thrust upon me, and to be honest, I'm a little down about it. Sigh. In the past six motnhs I've grown to love the people who work for me, I've grown to become overprotective of the department, and now that its being (rightfully) taken away its sad. Its like I'm being forced to leave family in a way.

I'm not sure why change bothers me so much. This will give me the time I need to get home at a reasonable hour, to start writing again, to reintroduce myself to the love affair I have with my TiVo, to eat before nine o'clock at night, etc. I guess I feel like even though I didn't have the needed resources, it's a failure on my part. I wasn't able to make the room as successful as it needed to be and now someone else is going to take it over. It sucks!

It doesn't help that its cold and rainy and generally shitty outside today. Maybe it's just my time to be down this month and I've got no choice.

Monday, December 08, 2003


I've noticed that in order to have a decent blog you need to be insanely obsessed with writing things down for the entire world to see at breakneck speeds. To be honest, my life is one that sometimes isn't worth self examination. For the most part I'm surviving. Its a depressing thought but I have to believe that survival is what makes us appreciate the nicer things in life. If I didn't have to fight to pay the bills and make it through the day, how on earth could I ever appreciate good literature (the writing part of it that is) or fine art, etc?

I'm more and more convinced as I grow older that if you're able to figure out how to properly use your and you're or there and their then you've made more progress that a lot of the world. My life will most likely have no great meaning to anyone outside my inner circle and I'm not convinced that's a bad thing. It just is.

So, what have we learned today? Hmmm, that Marty needs to get out more, that he has nothing to say, and that he's procrastinating about shopping for Christmas.
Maybe next time I'll try reviewing Ryan Adams' recent work or something interesting.

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