
A slowly developing catch all of ideas, observations, rants, breakdowns, and the such.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Back to today (and out of the past). It seems that we are going to war. Possibly as soon as Eight tonight. I am hoping we don't but am sure we will. Its left me with an odd queasy feeling. This feeling that something new and different (and bad) is about to happen to us regardless of what anyone has to say. Its different than the last, gulf war, this time there is a feeling of doom. I wonder if its my age since then.

What also concerns me is that the local paper is telling me to be prepared for all these contingencies and one of them is a nuclear blast. WHAT?? I haven't worried about that kind of stuff since I was a kid in the late 70s, before Gorby became the the leader of the USSR. The paper basically said to duck and cover. Ha! It has a little more information, but it basically tells you how to run from a nuclear shock wave. I'll tell you how, you kiss your ass goodbye!

Well back to my concern, is that either Bush has no justification for war and we're going to do something wrong, bad, etc. OR that the government has information regarding what is really going on and not telling us. If that's the case, what really IS going on?

All I can say is that I hope every one of our soldiers makes it home safely to their families, that their experience isn't very bad, and that as few lives as possible are lost. I am against this war, but still hope our soldiers are safe.

Good luck to everyone...
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